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Local Mission Projects

We engage with the local community in a variety of ways through not-for-profit organizations and projects.

Missions and Social Concerns Schedule

Farmer’s Market

From May through October an ‘indoor farmer’s market is held each Sunday following worship.  Church members with a green thumb offer fresh, locally grown produce in exchange for donations which are then given to the Baraboo Food Pantry.

UCC Kids Community Service

Projects such as spring clean-up in downtown Baraboo, Yard work for elderly church members, and Sauk County Humane Society. The hospitality Tent for Baraboo Circus Parade provides water for people and animals alike on that hot summer day! – maybe include a picture here?

Parkinson’s Support Group

National & Global Mission Projects

One Great Hour of Sharing

Financial gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) enable the United Church of Christ to be God’s hands and feet in the world, to help when disaster strikes, to make clean water more accessible and to offer training so that families can be self-sustaining. Gifts to OGHS bring hope in places of despair and heartache. More than 60 percent of the offering supports international development initiatives, including annual support for our missionaries working in healthcare, education and agricultural development. OGHS offerings also assist with refugee and immigration advocacy.

  • Our church family consistently is in the highest level of giving per capita
  • We were not only a top-giving per capita OGHS congregation in the Wisconsin Conference in 2020, but also in actual dollars, in the denomination, nationally…number four!

Crop Walk

Each year our church participates in the fall CROP Hunger Walk. This project raises funds for Church World Service which supports programs that assist people who are experiencing food shortages. In this way, we support both worldwide and local food programs.

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